Let Go of the Old and Embrace the New!


Over the Christmas Holidays, we embarked on a project to re-do our library space. The space was made up of all different kinds of cabinets and shelves. We invested in new bookshelves. However, before we could place the new shelves, we had to get rid of the “old make do” stuff.

It’s the same in our emotional and spiritual lives. Before we can fully embrace the new, we must let go of the old! Holding onto the old for too long, deprives us of new opportunities.

As we start this New Year, throw off everything that hinders you in the race of life. Let Go of the stuff keeping you in captivity. Free up some mind space to dream big, plan well and embrace what God has for us.

Last year my blogs mostly focus on “Let Go of …” the stuff that aggravates our pain. Today, put a stake in the ground and let go of:

   1. Stressors. Work worries, financial concerns, and relationship issues distract us.
   2. Fears and anxiety. We dwell in the future with our what-if scenarios, and we miss the present.
   3. People pleasing. By pleasing others, we alienate our own needs. We forget what we enjoy in life. We forget who we are
and what God created us to be.
   4. Grumblings about the lost “normal”. Stop complaining of the never-ending COVID. It intensifies our anxiety. And it’s emotionally draining.
   5. Gossip, slandering and meddling. “Who died and made you king of anything?” What is that to you?
   6. Envy. Stop comparing yourself with others. Other peoples’ possessions and positions have nothing to do with you. It is their story and their lives.
   7. Unforgiveness and bitterness. When you hang onto your hurts and struggle to forgive another, you are the miserable person. Don’t give others the power to hold you captive.

Our emotional energy is drained by all the above-mentioned worries, fears, anxiety, depression, stressors, etc. We can’t control what happens in the next hour, tomorrow, months or a year from now. Energy wasted on dwelling in the future and time spend on negative issues deprives us from what we have in the moment.

We only have this moment in our hands. We have control over our thoughts, choices, and actions in this moment. Let’s use our emotional energy to focus on the truth, make good choices and do our best in this moment.

The only thing we can do regarding the future is planning. Investing in planning generates hope and expectation. And planning creates mind space to enjoy the moment.

Above all, trust God for guiding you on the best pathway for your life. Live with expectation on your next assignment.

Make good choices to care for what is in your control. You have a responsibility to take care of your body, emotions, and soul. Scripture tells us that our bodies were given to us by God. It’s a temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6: 19 – 20) We need to ensure that this temple is in good condition, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

In Matt 11:28 – 30 Jesus invites you to find rest for your soul by taking up his yoke which is light. How then do you take up Jesus’s yoke?

Resolve to live a life deeply rooted in Jesus, and in God’s truth and love. Open your heart and mind to his all-enduring love and compassion.

How do you live deeply rooted in Jesus?

Carve out time in your daily schedule to study and meditate on the word. First thing in the morning, calibrate of your heart to the love of Jesus. Be quiet and listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit.

Step out into the day with confidence in God’s promises of his presence, “Immanuel, God with us; He will never leave or forsake you”. Lean into his presence in everything you do.

Throughout the trials and tribulations of your day call on Jesus for your strength and bear in mind Jesus is praying for you. Remember that this earth is not your home.

End your day with an evening journal to let go of all the unchecked items on your day’s to-do-list, the emotions that whined you up, the discussions that didn’t work out as planned, or whatever happened during your day. Find peace in Jesus’s gift of grace. Bring it all to the cross. And friends leave it there!

Here at the beginning of 2022,

   - Throw off all the old stuff that hinders you in the race of life.
   - Start working your plan for your physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth (to follow hard after Jesus).
   - Make good choices in the things under your control
   - Step out with confidence in our God who is in control.
   - Proceed with hope, expectation, and joy.
   - Trust God for the best pathway for your life.
   - And lastly, journal.

Let me know how I can help you on this journey. How can I can pray for you?

Leave a comment.

Until Next Time

Anita Beukman

Your Hope Coach

Here’s the link to YouTube for this blog:

Let Go of the Old and Embrace the New!